Sunday, December 15, 2013

Final #6 - Building my immersive library

Because I was also completing this assignment for the video games and virtual reality class this semester, many of the blog posts are on my blog for the VR class. I have linked all of the relevant posts to this blog post as well, so all of the final immersive library posts are in one place:






EXTRA STEPS: Optimizing my Virtual World:

The above links will take you to the various steps of my Immersive Library Final in Meshmoon .  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at


I previously completed this assignment as part of the Video Games and Virtual Reality Class this semester. Here is the link to my blog!

Final #1: Flash/Powerbullet .swf Files

It was not clear whether we needed to create a new blog post for the final which linked the the Powerbullet assignments, however I figured it couldn't hurt to make a new post so that all of the powerbullet assignments are linked in one place.

Here are the links to the posts I make about my Powerbullet assignment. The links to the .swf files are linked each blog post.

Powerbullet Assignment 1:

Powerbullet Assignment 2:

Powerbullet Assignment 3:

Powerbullet Assignment 4:

These are examples of Flash files created using the Powerbullet tool.  it is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 21, 2013

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

Here are the screenshots for the WebGL experiments I picked.

The first experiment that I picked was called Lilypad. It shows how 'paper folding' can be represented in 3D. I thought it was very pretty to look at, and the fact that you could rotate the field of view to look 'under the water' was very neat.  Here is the link to Lily Pad.

 I then noticed that you can morph the shape. Here the shape is morphed a little, and you can see that the red 'water' is going in the hole of the lily pad

The next experiment I picked is the sudoku helper. It gives you hints about how to complete the sudoku by turning red if you try to input a number that violates the rules of the game. I thought that this would be something my mom would like since she enjoys playing Sudokus. Here is the link toSudoku Assistant 3D

This next one is perhaps the most powerful use of 3D experiments. My girlfriend is a psychology and neuroscience PhD student and she is always talking about MRI images and what a pain they are to look through with the programs she has at work. This was very cool because you are not confined to the traditional three views of looking at MRI brain images. You could turn the boxes and the images would go though the brain at a given angle. Also, the fact that it changed color based on where it was in the brain was pretty awesome. My girlfriend told me that the green image is a traditional 'coronal' slice of brain, and the red image below is a 'horizontal' slice. I just thought it was cool to look at brain images.  Here is the link to Brain Reslicing

WebGL Chrome Experiments that FAIL in Firefox

Did not work in Firefox:
Indras Net
Just A Reflektor- Only homepage worked.
Find your way in Oz- Worked eventually but rediculous load time.
Saint Jean Cathedral of Lyon- Same load time issue.

Did Work:

Car Visualizer
The Hobbit
Digital Landscapes
Goo Video Sphere
KineMan Interactive 3D Skeleton
Spherical Normal Mapping
WebGL Terrain Indras Net
Simple Maze Game
Squishy Earth - Byron Knoll
KineMan - Interactive 3D Skeleton
Are You Being Watched?
Spherical Normal Mapping
Spacerun 3D II
100,000 Stars
Squishy Earth
WebGL Attractors Trip - Iacopo Sassarini
WebGL Bookcase - Google Data Arts Team
Depth of Field
PlayMaps Cube
WebGL Attractors Trip - Iacopo Sassarini
WebGL Bookcase - Google Data Arts Team
Digital Landscapes
360Degrees Car Visualizer

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project

As we began to build we decided roles. As one of the folks from Video Games and Virtual Reality I proposed that I act as a supervisor/Rover/Ombudsman providing general help and support and supervising everyone's work to insure everything came together. From people's responses I was of great help. Please note that these photos are somewhat out of chronological order, but I will be describing each individually so that shouldn't matter.
Here I am looking at the foundation. Things are starting to appear.
 The folks working on the house have made some good progress. I've been helping with the foundation and walls.
 Here we have the pool and behind that the soccer field taking shape. I have helped delete some loose objects. To the right of the screen you can see part of the house.
 The Dance floor is taking shape. I did the least on the house of any of the teams because they already had another person with engine experience from videogames and virtual reality. I just took this because the dance floor was cool.
 Someone had accidentally made a bunch of pictures on the exterior of the house. Here I am deleting them.
 Fixing the door (wouldn't open)
 Here is the Garage. I helped out with the garage a lot because they were down a team member.
 Observing the pool and pool chairs.
 Entrance to the dance floor (cool colors on the door).
 Inside of the house.
 Here is the path I helped make connecting the house and the pool..
 I deleted this extra garage foundation once they made version two.
 An earlier house construction shot.
 An earlier version of the pool.

 THe house being assembled.
 Here is everything coming together for the first time. We assembled everything apart at the start because I discovered it helped with our lag issues to have less avatars and construction going on on screen at once.
 The soccer field.
 The house now has a roof!
Making the garage path connect.
 Relaxing on the roof.
 I love the paper air plane in the garage. whoever made it had a brilliant idea, it's very cute.
 Finished product shots.
Finished Pool shot.
 Airial shot, almost finished.
 Internal shot of finished house.
 Dance floor animations shot.
 Finished path shot.
Finally we finished the stubborn garage road. Hope you like our house. It was a blast to make.

These are screenshots from our 3D group building exercise in Cloud Party.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Class #10, Assignment 3: The Education Grid

When I clicked on the screenshot on the frontpage it took me to the main/home page of the The Education Grid.  The Education Grid appears to be an online community for teachers and students that says it wants to create a safe, secure, interactive learning environment. Once I click on the text "Learn more about the education grid.........." it takes me to an About The Education Grid Section.

 In the "About The Education Grid (TEG)" section pertinent details about the mechanics, cost, legality, and security are in the "About" section of the "The Education Grid" webpage.

Final #5: 2D Java Video Game

Because I'm a student in the Video Games and Virtual reality class, I have already done these assignments. Below I linked the blog posts that correspond to the final exercises for This course. Please note that there may be some subtle differences because in Video games and Virtual Reality we were asked to dig a little deeper into the coding. Also I will just link all of my java games here because it can't hurt and maybe you will enjoy them.

FINAL 5a: Greenfoot Joy of Code #4 Finally some code! 

FINAL 5b: Greenfoot Lettuce and Snake 


Game link 1


Game Link

Bonus Extra game


These are various iterations of my journey through the Joy of Code web series.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Final #2: Six Monocular Depth Cues

I did the monocular depth cues assignment as part of my Video Games and virtual reality class earlier this semester. Here are the links to my posts. Part 1 Part 2

These are examples Monocular Depth Cues used to increase immersion within 3D generated environments.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Avatar recustomization screenshots.

I had to customize my Cloud Party Avatar again. At this point considering both of my classes with you and another online class that also had me customizing my avatar I actually already had one I was in love with. So what I did was made him a more casual and fun "alternate costume". Here are the screenshots of me building his alternate "Cowboy" costume (Use BA AKA the Konami Code to unlock).

 This is where I started, the bolo tie needs to go.
 Now he has a regular necktie.
 Now we've changed his suit, darker, meaner, awesomer!
 Give him a marine drill sargent haircut. and blacken the aviator rims.
And the Piece de resistance...a gigantic cowboy hat and cowboy boots. "Cowboy Costume" has been unlocked your user interface informs you.

Building in Cloud Party

For this assignment I had to make a sculpture in Cloud party. I call this piece "Moving" and I used my own experiences with the misery and horror and destruction around a move as inspiration. One of the big things to be aware of is that in the speech I play with scale and object relationships to an extreme degree. The disconnected "Sun" photos give you a sense of how this construct that appears to be one object is actually in different places and I use camera angles and cunning building to trick you the viewer. This showcases my experience with moving of putting everything into perspective but also making the space feel simultaneously larger and smaller but mainly just different and weird and out of focus.

I started with the bed, the first and most important piece of furniture in any living place.
 Then I put in the couches. This is where it gets tricky, I'm taking you behind the scenes. This one exaggerates how far apart they are though.
 Here you see the couches more tricky in perspective with the bed. All the furniture is piled to denote the experience of boxing all your stuff up and moving into a smaller space, like I did using a UHaul Ubox storage box. The ground is the key to maintaining this illusion, its completely fake.
 And here are the boxes.
Behind the scenes, notice how far below the bed the couch and sculpture is.

Building in Cloud party is much more limited than Open Sim. Open Sim fundamentally a much more powerful program and much more oriented towards building. At least from my limited observation. Cloud party on the other hand seems much more focused towards ease of use. It seemed like cloud party had more pre-made options and objects so for a beginning user. On the other hand Open Sim just seemed better once you got to know it. I really enjoyed building my Mars Rover in Open Sim earlier in the semester (for my Sunday class with you Prof).

“Final #4: High Resolution Avatar”

These are images of me using MakeHuman, a freeware modelling program currently in alpha.  Using various sliders and adjustment tools I created two different genders, tried some hairstyles, and also altered the shape of the model's face. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The Course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at this link!

 I am altering the body type here.
 Changing the expression of my avatar. Scary!
 For some reason I couldn't get the skin to come back when I was altering face shape. It came back again later, not sure how though.
 It seems like the program has some trouble rendering the images, as you can see from my skin coming through my new outfit.
 I decided to change the gender of my avatar. Somehow I lost the skin again, but I was able to switch the hair, outfit, and body type.

This is the high resolution avatar I created using the Makehuman tool .  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at