Part 2
Above are the five images for my midterm #6. The first image is my real midterm one. A picture of the linux penguin that I used different layers to write my name and a required text for the class over. But because I love him so much I kept Pootie Poot Poot from my earlier attempt. Anyhow with Poot I took a famous picture of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and gave him fiery eyes befitting his evilness (and general status as a real life Bond villain, he doesn't weep blood but this is close). I used two different layers, the lower layer being the photograph and a layer I created above called fiery eyes with the flames I painted in the right place. The second photograph showes my two layers and if you look really closely/ zoom in you can see two specs of yellow for the flames. In second part of the midterm my objective was to create an animated .gif. This part was insanely cool. I got super excited once I learned how to create an animated gif in GIMP and added some interesting features. First I used repeated exports to degrade my image of text overtime. In other words in the first of the images I tied together the text is really clear but over time it gets blurrier. You might also notice how fast the text is going. The Hollywood industry standard is generally 24 frames per second so I calculated that 41 miliseconds between animations (41.666 repeating to be exact) would make my animation go at 24 frames per second and look extra smooth. The result wasn't as impressive as I hoped but still turned out all right. This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at
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